Welcome to Yog Manthan

Begin aligning your body and soul

Remember that enlightenment is a lifelong journey, and there is no one right way to achieve it. It is important to explore different practices and find what works best for you.

About Yog Manthan
About Yog

Yoga For Your Mental and Physical Health

Yoga is a holistic practice that offers numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. It combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness to promote overall well-being. Here are some ways in which yoga can positively impact your mental and physical health.

Reduce Stress
Inner Peace
Life Balance
Our Services

Healthy Your Body With Yoga

Online Yoga Classes

Meditation is a practice of mindfulness and mental focus that has been used for centuries in various cultures and traditions. It involves training the mind to focus on a specific object, thought, or activity in order to achieve a state of calmness, relaxation, and inner peace.

Prenatal & Postnatal

"Prenatal" refers to the period of time before birth, typically referring to the stages of pregnancy. "Postnatal" refers to the period of time after birth, encompassing the care and development of the newborn and the recovery of the mother.

Offline Therapeutical personal classes

Offline therapeutic personal classes typically refer to in-person sessions or appointments with a therapist or counselor. These sessions provide a private and confidential environment for individuals to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences and receive professional guidance and support.

Yoga for menstrual Health (PCOS/PCOD)

Yoga can be a beneficial practice for promoting menstrual health, particularly for individuals with conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD). While yoga alone may not cure these conditions, it can help manage symptoms, improve overall well-being, and support hormonal balance.
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Years Experience

"Empowering dialogue, nurturing peace: Mediation at its finest."

“Learn something new from home with our online classes! Our expert teachers offer flexible and engaging sessions in a wide range of subjects, including Mental and Physical Yoga. Join today to achieve your peace.”

Our Expert

Meet Our Founder

Sandhya Kaushik 


Rashi Sood


Poonam Singh







What Our Client Say

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Medium Class

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$ 49.99 / month
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  • Free Plugin
  • Maintenance

Advanced Class

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$ 79.99 / month
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  • Coding
  • Free Plugin
  • Maintenance
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